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Learn MoreIt’s vital to keep the skin around your stoma clean and healthy. Get some simple care tips that you can use every day.
The skin around your stoma is called peristomal skin. It is important to keep this area clean and protected from stoma output. Some routine stoma care tips can help you keep your peristomal skin healthy.
Tips for caring for your peristomal skin
The general rule for taking care of peristomal skin is “less is better.” Here are some fundamental tips:
Items to avoid
Again, basic is better for peristomal skin care. Common household products that are NOT recommended for use when caring for your peristomal skin include:
Watch out for peristomal skin problems
If your peristomal skin becomes uncomfortable, itchy, red, or sore, this may indicate some seepage of the stoma output onto the skin. Take off your appliance, wash the area, rinse and dry it, and apply a new appliance. You may need to review the fit of your appliance or contact your stoma care nurse if this problem is ongoing.
Victoria Danson, the founder of Crohn’s & Colitis Support Group Lancashire, struggled with her ileostomy bag for years. Her discovery of soft convex ostomy products helped restore her confidence, and ...
Read MoreCreate your Silver Linings Checklist.
Read MoreThe condition of the skin around your stoma can reveal a lot about your wellbeing and whether you’re using the right ostomy products.
Read MoreWe've compiled a list of terms you may have heard, explained simply and clearly.
Soft convexity - beige pouch with viewing option - pre-cut or cut-to-fit
Learn MoreSoft convexity - beige pouch with viewing option - pre-cut or cut-to-fit
Learn MoreThree levels of skin protection.
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The information provided herein is not medical advice and is not intended to substitute for the advice of your personal physician or other healthcare provider. This information should not be used to seek help in a medical emergency. If you experience a medical emergency, seek medical treatment in person immediately.
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